On the Class Action case, there was two numbers in the litigation copy. That 65 staff had stepped forward, but also that there was a 500 member rule 23 group.
I hope Conservatives in NY get the full implication of liberal crime here in solos cases I have. This is what Albany has allowed on Mandated Reporters. If they can do this once, then they can do it to anybody. And Child Abuse Reporting will be subjected to criminal standards from your friendly Albany Politicians. If I said nothing, this would have been swept under the carpet. Which leaves Teens where? You need to put these fools in jail, with or without me.
If you go back to the WWF days, Referee Danny Davis the cheap shot artist that he was, you could expect from him to do something illegal and then runoff like a fairy. Hillside Admin, OCFS, under true prosecution has no choice but to run. Overdue job duties which are now crimes, need to be resolved, and the staff removed. It was NY’s rules, if Albany is testifying they are running a racket by refusing to remove crime, then let’s recognize their hard work on the books. It is the only clear explanation of Moreland and Hillside.
Liberals have exalted themselves to the level of child abuse and involve The FBI to bring them in. Where it tests the mettle of the top law enforcement agency for corruption of its own.
No apologies for the criminals in this case. They know they are low life devils who belong in prison. How many of them qualify for O.D.D.?
Some case info:
Plaintiff: Russ Boardman
Case Began: After July 2011 reporting Child Abuse to OCFS.
OCFS Reps: Karen Buck Assigns Chris Bruno, who schedules meetings with Russ’ supervisors Mike Staino and Julie Philips-Oriel from HR.
Corruption 6-30-11: Mike and Julie serve fake paperwork to Russ at the OCFS arranged meeting. Allowed complaints on this to Helen Halewski Head of HR and President Dennis Richardson do not bring changes, but termination. Permission to contact Dennis, Helen are by policy and corporate agency emails.
Termination: 7-6-11 for only reporting agency crime by policy, going to an authority who is not communicating through trusted staff. Policy is go direct to the source of problems so President Richardson.
Case #1: NYS Supreme Court, Labor Law Article 20-C NYS, for a Sociotherapist renamed Youth Care Pro, case did file on time, but was time barred because defense Nixon Peabody firm lied to disqualify the filing, saying Plaintiff did not work in health care. Plaintiff proved employee status within filing statue, where the record was approved for Appeals Court, which is ahead.
Case #2: NYS Supreme Court is filed and is ahead for fraud, libel. Lies in court from defense were so numerous it is its own case, debasing career and ministry work.
Case #3: Atty Bob Mullin leads a class action case against Hillside, coworkers not paid wages, Russ included.
Perpetrating Staff: All involved Dept Supervisors, Campus Supervisor, Omnibuds are involved, after 18 end of shift Emails were not acted on along the way to OCFS acting. OCFS was in much earlier than Email #18. Reports verify Clients harassed by other Dept staff, retaliation for being reported at their own posts for negligence and abuse.
There were (now 2020) staff at Hillside who are supposed to stop crime!
Hillside Family of Agencies Board of Governors Roger B. Friedlander – Chair Robert J. Stiles – Vice Chair Jose J. Coronas – Secretary Diana Nole – Treasurer Angela B. Pichichero – Past Chair, Dennis M. Richardson – President and CEO Deborah J. Daum, Richard J. Gangemi, MD William H. Goodrich Kevin N. Hill Alan Illig Barbara G. McManus Duncan T. Moore, PhD Richard Notargiacomo, MBA Webster H. Pilcher, MD, PhD Efrain Rivera Leonard J. Shute Robert Tait
Hillside Children’s Center Board of Directors Philip D. Fishbach – Chair Sarah B. Adams – Vice Chair T. C. Lewis – Vice Chair Monica L. Monte – Secretary Todd M. Liebert – Treasurer Dennis M. Richardson – President and CEO Nancy L. Castro, PhD David L. Cleary Craig F. Curran Denise T. Dragoone Carolyn T. Friedlander Richard J. Gangemi, MD James C. Haefner Joanne C. Larson, PhD Candice A. Lucas Gary Muaro Marie W. mcNabb James C. Moore Doren P. Norfleet Virginia Biesiada O’Neill Jan M. Parisi Todd A. Trehan
Hillside Children’s Foundation Board of Trustees James K. Merkley – Chair Daniel J. Diefendorf – Vice Chair Daniel Mason – Secretary Brian C. Callahan – Treasurer Dennis M. Richardson – President and CEO Rovert W. August Rober M. Baker Timothy J. Bancroft Gregory H. Carver Douglas R. Hilfiker Louise H. Klinke Barbara G. McManus Shawn P. O’Donnell Jason P. Torres Gregory Woodard
Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection Board of Directors Gerald Q. Pierce – Chair Howard R. Jacobson – Vice Chair Daniel R. Wegman – Treasurer Dennis M. Richardson – CEO Sarah Amering Anne M. Kress, PhD Milt Sender John M. Summers
Snell Farm Children’s Center Board of Directors Deborah J. Daum – Chair Christine M. Valkenburgh, Esq. – Vice Chair Harvey E. Tremper – Secretary Jo A. Slovak – Treasurer Dennis M. Richardson – President and CEO David L. DuBois, Jr. Philip Jones Gary L. Short Levi H. Weaver
The Agencies you can express problems to on Hillside crimes:
Council on Accreditation (COA)
Hague Convention Adoption Service Provider
New York State Department of Health
New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services
New York State Education Department
New York State Office of Children and Family Services
New York State Office of Mental Health
New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
Alliance for Strong Families and Communities
Children’s Day Treatment Coalition
American Association of Children’s Residential Centers
Child Welfare League of America
Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies
Families Together in New York State
Foster Family-Based Association
Juvenile Detention Association of New York
The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative’s Kaplan and Norton Action Learning Community on Strategy Execution
New York State Association of Community and Residential Agencies
New York State Coalition for Children’s Mental Health Services
New York State Coalition of 853 Schools
New York State Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies
Rochester Business Alliance
United States Chamber of Commerce
United Way of Greater Rochester
United Way of Greater Syracuse
DAMAGES: The first part is to recognize that the involved staff fully, wholeheartedly, intentionally, with malice and vigor , have corrupted Hillside, New York State Child Abuse reporting, Court by perjury. If they are sticking their tongues out at The FBI, saying, nah-nah,nah,nah,nah, nah, you can’t catch us because we are the criminals! We understand in the system some people go crackers and cannot take the everyday stress of having jobs. The FBI their subhuman slaves who will do as Hillside so orders, will not likely understand the abuses as legal.
Damages will reach eight figures for Hillside crime given the present willful defense insanity.
CRIMINAL CHARGES: From perjury, conspiracy, public records falsification, at least can go Class C Felony. Punishable by imprisonment, I know that is a corporate outreach to some, while the criminal record is a resume builder. Gov. Cuomo and NYAG have been incompetent to stop the crime so far. If we can make this a campaign issue next election.